Early Bird Deadline: March 1, 2024 • Final Deadline: May 2, 2024

Contest winners will be notified during the last week of June for each year’s contest.



Books and eBooks may be entered the following categories. A single title may be entered in multiple categories. The categories are the same for printed books, audiobooks and e-Books.

31. Green Books/Environmental Issues (Books dealing with environmental issues, recycling, conservation of our planet's resources, etc.)

32. Growing Pains (Books that help children understand the changes they go through as they mature)

33. Health (Books on general health topics that teach children how to lead healthy lifestyles)

34. Historical Fiction

35. History Non-Fiction

36. Holiday-Themed Books

37. Humor

38. Learning Tools (a literacy tool that encourages reading)

39 Letters, Journals, Diaries

40. LGBTQ+

41. Middle Grade Fiction

42. Mystery

43. Newbie Award (First time author, fiction)

44. Newbie Award (First time author, non-fiction)

45. Outdoor Recreation (Books on outdoor activities that can be enjoyed by children and the whole family, such as camping, hiking, fishing, etc.)

46. Picture Books—5 & Younger

47. Picture Books—6 & Older

48. Poetry

49. School Issues (Books dealing with issues children may encounter at school, such as bullying, making new friends, etc.)

50. Science Fiction/Fantasy & Paranormal

51. Special Needs/Disability Awareness

52. Spiritual/Religious (Books that address religion and/or spiritual matters, including books on death and grieving)

53. Sports (Books about sports and/or athletes)

54. STEM (Science, technology, engineering, math)

55. Text Books

56. Young Adult Fiction

57. Young Adult Non-fiction

58. Youth Author Fiction (Author is age 17 or younger)

59. Youth Author Nonfiction (Author is age 17 or younger)

01. Activity Books

02. Activity Kits

03. Animals/Pets (Books about animals and family pets)

04. Arts/Music (Books that help children develop an appreciation for art, theater, photography, music, etc.)

05. Audiobooks

06. Best cover design

07. Best Illustrations

08. Best interior design

09. Best Photography

10. Biography/Autobiography/Memoir

11. Board Books

12. Book Marketing: Book Trailer

13. Book Marketing: Bookmark, Flyer, Media Kit, Press Release, etc.

14. Book Website

15. Careers

16. Chapter Books

17. Charity/Making a difference (Books that teach children the importance of giving and showing compassion for others in need)

18. Children's Non-Fiction

19. Collecting/Hobbies (Books about hobbies for children)

20. Comic Books

21. Cookbooks, food travel, food history, food-related

22. Cultural Diversity (Books that impart an appreciation for different cultures, races and ethnicities)

23. Early Readers

24. Educational/Instructional (How-to books and books that teach, such as books on math or how to fly a kite)

25. Exercise/Fitness (Books that teach children how to keep physically fit)

26. Family matters (Books that deal with issues affecting the family, such as divorce, adoption, a new baby, moving, etc.)

27. Fiction: Collection of short stories

28. General (Any categories not listed)

29. Global & Social Issues (Books that address world issues such as poverty, famine, disease, terrorism, etc.)

30. Graphic Novel


Is there a category you think we should consider adding?

Click on the button below to suggest a category.



“…By winning such a coveted award, it not only provided me with more confidence as an author, but it also raised the recognition for my book in the eyes of the world. It has also caused a boost in sales because of this announcement.”

— Kingsley Osei, award-winning author of Young Kap