Early Bird Deadline: August 1, 2025 • Final Deadline: October 3, 2025

Royal Dragonfly Contest winners will be notified during the last week of January for each year



Awards for the Royal Dragonfly Book Award contest are presented only to entries earning the appropriate amount of judges’ points for First Place, Second Place, and Honorable Mention. There may be multiple winners in each category. However, to be eligible to win an award, a book must earn a minimum score of 60 out of 80 judges’ points, even if it is the ONLY entry in a category. Not every book will win an award.

All Winners:

Each winning book is listed on the Story Monsters Book Awards website and receives a digital personalized certificate and award seal. Printed award seals and other book award merchandise may be purchased for an additional fee.

First Place:

All first-place book contest winners in all categories will be eligible to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one (1) of three (3) $100 cash prizes.

Grand Prize:

One book contest winner will be chosen from all entries to receive the grand prize. The grand prize winner receives a $500 cash prize, 100 Grand Prize award seals, a feature on the Story Monsters Book Award home page, and a one-hour marketing consulting session with Linda F. Radke.

Royal Dragonfly Contest winners will be notified during the last week of January for each year


“To me, happiness is winning a Royal Dragonfly Book Award … Being a winner each time gave my books a big PR push that included newspaper articles, extra social media coverage, and radio interviews. I was especially surprised at the renewed interest in ‘Confessions of a Movie Addict.’ It was published way back in 2001! Where else could a book published over ten-years ago win an award? ...”

— Betty Jo Tucker, author of Confessions of a Movie Addict
and Cinema Stanzas: Rhyming About Movies