Early Bird Deadline: August 1, 2025 • Final Deadline: October 3, 2025

Royal Dragonfly Contest winners will be notified during the last week of January for each year’s contest.



The Royal Dragonfly Book Award Contest is a worldwide book competition that began in 2011 and honors excellence in all types of literature, recognizing creativity and hard work in 67 categories. We do not impose a limit on the year of publication for entries, which means winning a Royal Dragonfly Book Award can breathe new life into your book's marketing strategies and give it renewed attention and appreciation by the industry professionals and readers alike.



To get started, click on the “Enter Now” button below.

  • A separate form must be completed for each book that you submit, but the same form may be used if book is entered into multiple categories. Simply change the quantity to indicate the number of categories for the book, then click “Add to Cart".”

  • If entering more than one book, after the form is completed for the first book, click on the “Add to Cart” button and then begin the process again.

  • You will receive a confirmation email once you've completed your order. Print out a copy of this email and include it with your mailed submissions.

Contest entries accepted in 2 formats: printed book or ebook.

  • Printed:

    • $70 per category on or before August 1, 2025.

    • $75 per category after August 1, 2025.

  • eBook:

    • $65 per category on or before August 1, 2025.

    • $70 per category after August 1, 2025.



Early Bird Deadline: August 1, 2025. ($70 per category)

Final Deadline: October 3, 2025. ($75 per category)

Submission Postmark Deadline: Submissions must be postmarked no later than October 3, 2025. Any submission postmarked after October 3, 2025, will be entered into the following year’s contest.

Announcement of Winners: Royal Dragonfly Contest winners will be notified during the last week of January for each year’s contest.


“As a debut children's book author, winning first place in the Royal Dragonfly Awards for Best Illustrator has been an exciting and affirming experience … Winning the coveted Royal Dragonfly awards has created positive attention for my book. Thank you to the team of judges for helping my author dreams come true.”

— Laurie Copmann, author of The Family Tree: The Night of the Storm